Friday, 24 January 2014

Ongoing progress, mostly work on the bar.

Work has been progressing on the hall, but the focus now has been renovations to the bar.  The photo below shows painting that has proceeding in the bar.


The photo above hows the back wall of the bar.  The back wall is being painted to create a different feeling in the bar.  

Other work on the bar is going on in other locations.


The photo above shows components for the new bar being assembled.  With the new tiled floor, the different paint scheme and the curved front on the bar it will be a huge departure from what was there before.  

Other work that was completed before.

On January 20, the crew also enlarged the door into the chair storage room.  It will now fit a 36 inch door.  Anyone who has tried to drag the chairs over the threshold of the old door will appreciate the work that was done to remove that threshold and level that entry with the new floor level.  Of course the wall that had to be removed to enlarge the door was partially concrete, and the concrete floor had to be modified.  

The floor has also been sanded to remove anything that might damage the new flooring.  More work is going to be required to ensure that all gaps and cracks are filled and levelled before the new flooring, which has been ordered, can be installed.  

We are hoping that the new flooring will be installed by the end of next week. However it goes, we will continue to post the progress.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my I am so grateful for the chair storage - I know the pains of dragging the chairs in and out of that little room. This is getting exciting!!!
